The Organiser of our game which took place on the 2nd Aug 2013, John A. told me I would like Abridge and John was right!
The iron gated entry to Abridge Gold & Country Club gives the impression of a beautiful, well cared for golf course and you feel you wont be disappointed. It is greener than green everywhere you look...
The course is nearly 50 years old, originally designed by Henri Cotton, with with some changes over the years to provide a Championship pre-qualifying course. A small road takes you past the large open air driving range on the left and putting/chipping area on the right, and takes you to a large car park with multiple sections. Clubhouse/Proshop/1st Tee are well sign posted. Nice display of colourful flowers/shrubs before the entrance to the Proshop & by the sun terraces.
The golf course offer expansive lush green fairways (how can one miss them with their drives ?), the greens are immaculate carpets with tantalizing undulations and some tiers. True, fast but a real pleasure to deal with. Lots of bunkers which I found a lot of times, some had standing water unfortunately, but playable none-the-less. There are some various inclines are we are in a valley, giving you a chance to play those uphill or downhill lies depending whether you are a lefty or not, side lies etc.
The views are splendid, the 4th hole offers the best panorama of the surrounding Essex countryside and today after a storm a few hours before our game everything looked so fresh and vibrant. The M25 is in the vicinity but one can only hear some road noise by the 11th & 12th holes. The rest is peaceful. Will mention a small (private?) airfield by the 13th.
Lots of walking on well defined paths, good signage too, pretty plant displays at each hole, with ball washer, towels, sand/seeds to repair divots and some water dispensers along the way as well.
Tee boxes were raised on a lot of holes, so were the greens, the reason of this design is to keep water away from these areas. Lots of irrigation work has been done on the fairways to keep the bottom of the valley dry. Trees are well established and varied, they provide curtains either side of the fairways or a lovely backdrop for the raised greens.Some lovely water holes (2nd, 3rd, 5th and 14th), some ditches on the 7th, 13th, 14th & 16th.
My favourite hole(will only describe one this time):
HOLE 14th (Par 5 from the Red 418 yrds):
Raised tee, wide fairways sloping downhill & narrowing to a wide pond, concealed green from the tee. The raised green can only be seen from some 150yrds or so and slopes front and back. Wonderful views as you look back to the tee. That applies to most holes as well, so take time to look around & enjoy the scenery, the invigorating "Green" colours all around.
The course offers opportunities for every golfer, good scores can be add on this challenging not overly long Championship golf course. Small but well equipped Visitors changing rooms (Members have their own). Nice, well stock Proshop with a friendly service but no Ladies clothing on offer.
Bar/Clubhouse has reasonable prices, friendly staff, large sunny terrace on two sides, the biggest one is by the immaculate putting/chipping areas well defined by laurel bushes. I nearly did my practice putts & sand on the 18th green at first as I did not see the area hidden by the bushes. Oops, I would have been barred for life !!!!
Today, we had an extremely good deal arranged by our handsome & wonderful TSG ambassador, John A. who unfortunately could not join due to back injury but John walked the 1st 4 holes with us. It only cost £20 and that is such a bargain. I believe everyone that played today will want to return, I do as I want to show I can score better on a course that suits my style of golf.
If you get a chance to join a future game at Abridge, do make sure you put your name down as it will be a very memorable experience in a beautiful environment.
Thanks again to John A. for providing such a deal for TSG
Signed by "Miss Lockwood"
Date Wednesday, 07, August 2013