TSG Masters 2014

February 2014

TSG Masters 2014

Welcome to The TSG Masters Group Page. Please join this group if you would like to have your name entered into the ballot to play in this event! 12 names will then be drawn from the list. Deadline for entries is the 31st March 2014. Happy Golfing! N.B. This group is only open to TSG PRO members. The inaugural TSG Masters will take place at Warley Park, Essex on Saturday 3rd May 2014.

Scheduled Games

This group does not have any scheduled games.

Group Leaderboard

There are no members on the leaderboard

A Word From Our Sponsors

Completed Games

Group Photos

Venue for 2014 TSG Masters!
The New TSG Masters Trophy!
Welcome to Warley Park ...
Ohhhh, this look posh...

A Word From Our Sponsors

Group Honours Board

Honours board will appear soon

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